API Overview

Learn how to integrate with PawPlacer's API to manage pet data.

The PawPlacer API enables seamless integration for shelters and developers to manage pet data efficiently. With our API, you can add and retrieve pet profiles programmatically.


  • Retrieve pet data: Fetch information about pets, along with their medical history.
  • Create new pet profiles: Register pets in the system with key details.

Available Endpoints

  • GET /api/pets - Retrieve pet profiles
  • POST /api/pets - Add a new pet profile

Getting Started

To begin using the API, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain your API key from your PawPlacer account.
  2. Make requests to the endpoints using the correct HTTP methods.
  3. Handle responses and errors to ensure smooth data integration.

Best Practices

  • Keep API keys secure and do not share them publicly.
  • Implement error handling to manage request failures gracefully.

Explore the API and streamline pet management in your shelter with PawPlacer!

Fetching Pets via API

Retrieve pet profiles with PawPlacer's API

Adding Pets via API

Create new pet profiles using PawPlacer's API