
Create and manage adopter profiles in PawPlacer

Ready to add a new potential adopter to your system? PawPlacer makes it easy to track each adoption journey from the first meet-and-greet to the final homecoming. Here's how to get started with a new adopter profile.

Getting to the Add Adopter Form

You have two quick ways to start:

  1. From the Adopters page, click + Add Adopter
  2. Click the + in the sidebar and select Add Adopter

Creating the Profile

Let's walk through the key information you'll want to collect:

Basic Information

  • Full name (required)
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Age
  • Address details (including city, state, and zip code)

Household Details

  • Number of adults in the home
  • Children (if any)
  • Current pets
  • Living situation

Additional Information

  • Experience with pets
  • Ability to provide special care or training
  • Employment details
  • Co-applicant information (if applicable)
  • Any relevant notes about the potential adopter

Take your time to be thorough - these details help ensure great matches between pets and their potential families.

Matching with Pets

Once you've created the profile, you can start matching the adopter with potential pets:

  1. Use the searchable dropdown on the right to view available pets
  2. Select pets the adopter is interested in meeting
  3. These selections will make the adopter visible on the adoption page

When you've found the perfect match and completed the adoption, PawPlacer will automatically:

  • Link the pet to the adopter's profile
  • Update the pet's status to adopted
  • Mark the adoption process as complete

Remember, you can always update the adopter's profile or pet preferences as you learn more about what they're looking for in their new family member.